Card Software
Loyalty / Time Attendance / ID Printing / Smart Card Utlities
Software Product Verticals
- CRONUS Ultra : Desttop based Time Attendance, Visitor Management and Mini Payroll for Offices.
- CRONUS Ultra Ultimate : Desktop based Time Attendance, Leave Management, Visitor Managerment and Mini Payroll for Factories, Large Companies.
- CRONUS School : Desktop based Student and Teachers Time Attendance with Email & SMS feature for Student Attendance in School/Colleges. Optional integration of Flap Barrier or Turnstiles.
- CRONUS Web : Cloud based Time Attendance, Leave management, Visitor Management and Mini Payroll for Offices, Factories, large Companies on both Web and Android platform. Web based access to Admin, Employees. Mobile app access to Employees.
- CRONUS Web School : Cloud based Student and Teachers Time Attendance with Email & SMS feature for Student Attendance in School/Colleges. Web based access to Parents for monitoring attendance and notices. Optional integration of Flap Barrier or Turnstiles.
- Event Manager : Event Management, Ticketing, Validation application on Barcode, QR Code, Smart Card on tablets, PC and Touch PC.
- V-Manage : Visitor Management solution for Visitors to offices, schools, housing complex on barcode, smart card & fingerprit.
- Secur-My-Campus : Complete solution for securing your campus, housing society with integrated vehicle access control, visitor management, contractor/servant access control, ip surveillance on multiple technologies integrated to single application using RFiD, Fingerprint and IP CCTV.
- Loyalty & E-Purse : Customet Loyalty Program with optional integration for cash-less e-purse payment solution.
- CRONUS Campus : Integrated School/Campus Management Solution for complete automation of Attendance, Mark sheet, Online Examination, Notices, Payroll, Library, Cashless Canteen.
- Track-My-Asset : Asset Management Solution for identification and management of assets in offices, factories, laboratories, schools and warehouses.
- Track My File : File Tracking Solution for file tracking in single or multiple locations anywhere in the world.
- Logi-Track : Logistic Tracking application for tracking Vehicles, Parcels, Cartons, Envelopes.
- Farmhouse : Tracking solution for livestock with customized solution integration as per individual requirements.
- Mobile POS : Tablet based order booking and bill printing integrated to blue tooth printer connected to cloud server for field sales, restaurant, clubs, hotels, retail stores, super market with optional integration to cashless payment solution.
- Quik Tag : Vehicle Access system on RFiD, Smart Card with integrated boom barrier for vehicle identification, validation and photo snap-shop capture for automatic vehicle movement in complex, parking, campus, warehouse. Optional Pass Generation feature.
- Roving Eye : CCTV Management Solution with integrated software using video analytics.